Local opinion: Mike Jette: An environmental leader for a greener and safer Tucson Joan Lionetti is a 29 plus year Executive Director of Tucson Clean & Beautiful. Mike Jette is known by many because of his career as a…
Local opinion: Domestic violence survivor for Mike Jette I support Mike Jette for Pima County Attorney because I believe he will make necessary change to help victims of domestic violence. This issue is personal to me. I am a survivor…
Carvalho: Conover has ‘decimated’ diversion programs at Pima County Attorney’s Office Jordanna Carvalho is a former diversion program manager in the Pima County Attorney’s Office. Pima County Attorney Laura Conover has decimated diversion programming at the Pima County Attorney’s Office…
Local opinion: Who is Mike Jette? I can tell you I think I know who Mike Jette really is. I’ve been married to him for almost 19 years. We met in my hometown of Portland, Oregon and soon after moved…
Local opinion: Mike Jette, Democrat for County Attorney — in my own words My name is Mike Jette, and I am running to be your next Pima County Attorney. I am a pro-choice, pro-environment Democrat. I stand firmly against the…
Arizona opinion: Backing Jette for County Attorney Paul K. Charlton is a former United States Attorney for the District of Arizona. I write to endorse Mike Jette in the Democratic primary election for Pima County Attorney. I do so because…
Local opinion: Conover’s progressive agenda has not worked in reality Deborah Bernini is a retired Superior Court Judge. All elections are important, but we as a community have one coming up that will affect all of us in Pima County…
Bradford: Jette has the character to be an outstanding Pima County attorney I am a paralegal who worked with Mike Jette. I know first hand that he has the character, leadership skills, and prosecution experience to be an outstanding Pima…